Thursday, June 24, 2010

4th day of Work!

Today We finished!! We went to the La Oficina looking for our Maestro and we were told that he was taking another team to their work site and he would be right back, so we decided to wait in their gift shop and look at shirts. Well come to find out our Maestro was already at the worksite and we needed to meet him there. Once we realized this we hurried out there so we could start on her casita and get it done for them. A little bit after we got there Jeretta, Lori, Evan, and I went to Soriana to get the children some gifts. We got Johanny some spelling and ABC's coloring books and we got Jorge a toy dump truck with some Lego blocks. Once we got those toys we headed back and helped eveyone stucco the house and help finish it to get it ready for the family. When we got it done, Jorge and Willie, (the directors), came and dedicated the house to Karina and her family. We sang worship songs, dedicated the house, and then we prayed for her and her family. It was very emotional for everyone and you could definitely tell that God was there with us and he was pleased with what we had done. After the dedication we took the family out to eat, then we said our final goodbyes to the family, and then Jorge should us some of the other constructions that they are working on.  It was very dificult to say goodbye to our new family and friends that we have met. The family was wonderful, our hosts were great, and our maestro was hilarious. We are definitely going to miss them.  After all of that we headed back to La Familia and now we are going to have devotions, eat dinner, and go get some dessert!! You all have supported us so much and we are very thankful. If you could have been there at the dedication you would be able to understand how much your support meant to the family. This has been a life changing experience and we thank you for sending us here!! We will keep you updated on driving so please pray for safety! :)

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